U'khei Shiroi

Crook Turned Courtesan


  • Name: U'khei Tia Shiroi

  • Race: Viera Miqo’te

  • Age: 24 cycles

  • Occupation: Dancer/Courtesan; Co-owner of Silver Under Hills

  • Birthday: 13th Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon

  • Height: 5 fulms and 4 ilms

  • Gender: Male; Gender Non-Conforming

  • Sexual Orientation: Pansexual - Strong Masc Lean

  • Romantic Orientation: Panromantic - Strong Masc Lean

  • Relationship Status: married to Miko Shiroi

  • Hobbies/Interests: local flora and fauna, people-watching, exploring nature, impressing people, making friends, practicing reading and writing better, dressing up, learning new things.

(All art is credited, official FFXIV art, or screenshots taken by myself.)



U'khei is a Child of the Sand and was born to U'khenna Xhula and the Nunh (preceding U'odh) of the Drake tribe in the Sagolii Desert, before the area became widely known as the Forgotten Springs. U'khenna was a doting mother who let her boy do as he pleased and showed affection often. With the tribe's settlement a robust hub for trade, U'khei could spend his younger years as he wished. The Miqo'te child could often be found playing with dolls, befriending animals, dressing up, and exploring their territory. He was disgusted by fighting and other forms of violence. With an innocent face but keen wits, U'khei often slipped out of trouble. The prosperous period and young age of the boy meant the tribe was less concerned with U'khei's "feminine" interests and attributes.But when trade died off, the settlement needed other ways to get food, clothing, and other resources. Tension grew as the harsh Nunh required capable young males to hunt, fish, and scavenge to maintain a food supply. However, U'khei was unwilling to harm the animals he'd grown up loving, or learn to use a weapon. Asking to perform the same chores as females, like cooking, cleaning, or sewing, resulted in a harsh beating from the Nunh. The boy, now 11 cycles old, came to be seen as an ill omen of the tribe's decline.His mother would make excuses and plead for more time to teach him properly, while the Nunh sought any reason to punish U'khei. In time, U'khenna Xhula was called a "failure of a mother" for what others deemed "too soft of an upbringing" for U'khei.Things came to a head when U'khei was 13 cycles old. A band of Amal'ja attacked a small group of hunters, leaving two severely injured and one dead. The violence only furthered the boy's resistance to participation in masculine activities. In the wake of high emotions, U'khei was branded selfish and useless. He was clawed and cast out by the Nunh - left for dead - but not before scarring the Nunh's forearm with his own claws. U'khenna was offered another chance by "successfully" raising the children of the deceased hunter. However, in a rare event, the female seeker vehemently opposed the Nunh and left with her son.They had only the clothes on their backs. But U'khei carried something greater - the determination that he would never be helplessly insulted again.


U'khenna and U'khei made it to the city of Ul'dah by walking, the kindness of travelers, and merchants in need of manual labor with carriage space to spare.They were malnourished, dirty, and with little gil when they arrived. They could only afford an overcrowded, shared living space with other refugees. U'khenna, now well past her prime, made what gil she could by sewing and cleaning. But it was never enough. U'khei took on any small jobs or spare change he could find, now 15 cycles old.Yet tragedy struck once more. U'khenna fell ill with no gil for a doctor. Soon, she was confined to her cot and no longer able to provide any income. Desperate, U'khei resorted to stealing food and potions. When they couldn't afford rent and were to be evicted, he began stealing gil.None of it was enough to save U'khenna, who passed away when he was only 17 cycles old. U'khei left a few days later.That would be his last permanent residence for a long time. Now addicted to stealing, the sly and quick Miqo'te never stayed in one place for long. Many nights were spent on rooftops or safely in the top branches of a tree. Objects of thievery became bigger and bolder - jewels, fine clothing, prized chocobos.

Recent Past to Present

U'khei began working with others, but never fully trusted them or showed his face. He'd built an unwanted reputation in Ul'dah and the surrounding areas as the "Cutpurse Catte".Physical descriptions were limited to his elegant, floccus tail and long hair - both a pastel shade of pink, height, and posture. Even with a lack of precise characteristics or any evidence, citizens became wary of U'khei and his resemblance to the posters around the area. The young Miqo'te was even interrogated several times by different bodies of security. Only his silver tongue saved him.Yet unlike many crooks, U'khei knew when to stop. Captivity and death scared him. Now 22 cycles old, he reluctantly returned to more honest work. He'd gotten used to drifting, and thus undertook random jobs that would carry him across Eorzea. Whenever U'khei fell back into his old habits, he'd admit the thievery and return that which was stolen; then the boy would mysteriously disappear.Eventually fate or destiny or sheer chance found U'khei in Limsa Lominsa. After a particularly good day, the young Miqo'te visited The Mist to find a fun time. He stumbled upon a place of entertainment known as Keeper's Kiss. Having only interacted with courtesans in the less savory sides of various towns, U'khei was awestruck by the finely dressed and eloquent courtesans... and the fancy, expensive decor.With a large crowd and the Miqo'te's expert slight-of-hand, he thought a detailed ashtray a simple steal. It would be another male Miqo'te whose keen eyes he missed. The courtesan known as Miko Shiroi nonchalantly grabbed his wrist and led U'khei to a secluded corner. The pink-haired Miqo'te was finally matched in acuity.When Miko saw through the other's lies, U'khei hurried to explain his motivations for stealing, hoping to receive sympathy. He even offered to work at Keeper's Kiss for Miko. This unexpected twist led to U'khei becoming Miko's courtesan mentee. He would live at Keeper's Kiss and train under Miko, who would pay for basic needs until U'khei could support himself. If he stole anything, he would be immediately kicked to the curb. U'khei was determined to impress someone who actually believed in him, and has never stolen again... well, save for stealing Miko's heart. The two are now dating. Yet there is trouble in paradise. With Miko's assassins on his trail once more, the snowy Miqo'te sought a deal with the fae out of desperation. It would protect him from his pursuers, yes, but at what cost to himself and U'khei? Things may never be or look the same again...

SFW Headcanons

  • After Miko failed to tell U'khei he was in danger of being assassinated, U'khei believed it was because he didn't know how to fight and therefore protect his lover. Thus did he seek an old contact from his thieving days to train him in the ways of a dancer.

  • U'khei's precise and agile fingers are wonderful for targeting sore muscles, so he is known for his massages.

  • U'khei is sheepish and easily flustered with compliments, especially about appearances or his accent, due to historically being mocked for both.

  • With enough alcohol and/or motivation, U'khei can be confident in any situation. This is especially true if he is performing, flirting, or generally trying to impress people.

  • U'khei has a strong disdain for violence against animals or people. However, he will excuse no insult or injustice to his mother or Miko.

  • Rubbing of his ears or stroking of his hair will make U'khei melt like cheap makeup foundation on a summer day in Florida.

  • One of U'khei's key flaws is taking things personally by people he seeks the approval of and/or wants to befriend. Jokes are okay if clearly meant to humor, but insults or ignoring him easily makes him upset. He is sensitive after being an outcast for most of his life.

  • U'khei loves people watching. It used to be necessary for his life as a thief, but now he tries to learn and imitate mannerisms to fit in.

  • Because of his background, U'khei can only read and write on a basic level. He works hard to improve this so as not to be mistaken as stupid.

  • The scar on his right cheek is from the former Nunh of the Drake Tribe and serves as a reminder of his status as outcast.

  • U'khei did not drop the tribe's signifier from his forename (U'khei Tia) out of spite. He was told he would further sully the tribe's reputation by keeping it.

  • To appear more menacing on the streets, U'khei filed his teeth to points in places where he'd have fangs if he were a Keeper of the Moon.

  • An outcast from the beginning, U'khei's friends are few to none, but he longs for the genuine closeness such relationships can bring. He desperately wishes to make more friends.

  • Now stuck as a viera from Miko's deal with the fae, U'khei struggles to reconcile his identity and culture as a Seeker and lack of knowledge about Veena. He just feels wrong.


Courtesan: U'khei is currently an independent dancer/courtesan and co-owner of Silver Under Hills."Cutpurse Cat": Though U'khei has long since given up the life of a pickpocket/thief, wanted posters can be found throughout Eorzea. They are mostly concentrated in Thanalan, with Ul'dah's monetarists and merchants being his primary prey. The posters only offer the alias given by scared citizens and fans alike - "Cutpurse Catte". No one has seen his face, but investigators know he is a Miqo'te male with a floccus, pink tail and stands at roughly five fulms and three to five ilms.Miko Shiroi: If someone knows Miko Shiroi, chances are they have heard of U'khei. Though he now works duo with Miko, or solo as a courtesan, Miko was his mentor. The husbands now own their own 18+ lounge, Silver Under Hills.Viera: U'khei was born and has always been a Seeker of the Sun from the Drake tribe. Yet Miko's dealings with the fae left him as a Veena. True viera will easily recognize his lack of tradition, knowledge, and awareness of their culture, while friends who knew him as a Miqo'te are probably confused. Thankfully, Khei now can switch between the two appearances... all because of a special friend...


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(If you choose to read these then you attest you are 18+ years old and/or agree that I am not responsible for any distress caused. You can find an overview of triggers in the warning above.)

  • U'khei is a switch, but he leans towards bottom and submissive. He prefers playing a service role, regardless of position.

  • Thanks to Miko's training, he is not only knowledgeable in various sex positions and acts, but also familiar with bondage, gagging, discipline, overstimulation, edging, and a plethora of other kinks. If you ask for one he doesn't know, U'khei will do his best to safely accomodate the request. (Please note that RPer is in professional training for BDSM so feel free to message OOC if there are any questions or specific things you want to do.)

  • U'khei will eagerly moan and/or melt into your arms at the soft touch of his ears, hair, or tail. If he is in a submissive role, the tugging/yanking on these works well for punishment.

  • He is embarrassed for repeatedly being told he has a large penis at 8.5 ilms. He is also embarrassed because he often orgasms quickly, repetitively, and produces a lot of semen. Evolution has caused this due to a historical disparity in the ratio of breeding males to female members of the drake tribe.

  • Though often sheepish, U'khei takes on a contrasting persona when being a Dominant. He channels the strict, no-nonsense attitude of the Nunh he grew up under. Any resistance will be met with an appropriate level of punishment. However, he will listen to all limits and engage in appropriate aftercare, including washing, massaging, clothing and feeding his scene partner.

  • Many may assume he is professionally trained, but U'khei actually taught himself how to dance. This is limited to pole-dancing and lap dances, but comes from before his time as a courtesan. After all, the best way to pickpocket large amounts of gil was to attend lavish parties and get extremely close to those with deep pockets, without giving cause for any suspicion.

  • Interested in learning about U'khei's favorite kinks and his limits? Click here to find his f-list!

About RPer

Basic Info

Goes by: ArynPronouns: They/Them/TheirsAge: 26 years oldRP Experience: 12 years (yes, I know, I started at 11. It was Warriors b/c I like cats.)Other Games I play a lot: Genshin Impact, League of LegendsOther universes I RP in: Genshin Impact, Black Butler, FFXV, Yuri on Ice!, Beastars, Marvel, Doctor WhoHobbies/Interests: anime, horseback riding, acting, cosplaying, running, hiking, traveling, LARPing, theatre.

RP Notes

• Open to walk-up RPs or planned RPs!• Schedule varies because of day job, Etsy shop, and other hobbies, but I will communicate if there is a conflict or if I will be offline for a while.• Want to reach out OOC? Shoot me a DM at ஜ Ⓐⓡⓨⓝ ஜ#8332.• If you are uncomfortable in an RP for ANY reason, PLEASE tell me so we can change/retcon/end the session.• OOC replies are marked with (( )).• I can write detailed paragraphs or short sentences, but this largely depends on whether it's an open RP.• I WILL NOT RP NSFW scenes with minors (under 18 years of age) or minor characters.• Any lalafell booking must be done directly with U'khei as a service independent of ANY venue.

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Love is Love
Womxn's Rights are Human Rights
No Human is Illegal
Science is Real
Feminism is for Everyone
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